When the glass is always half empty, how do you turn it into a glass half full?
Sometimes I think I could qualify for the title of 'World's Biggest Pessimist', which is pretty weird considering I used to be one of the most positive and resilient people in existence. Nowadays, I could definitely do with keeping myself in a more optimistic frame of mind; especially now that winter's on the way.
So, I'm vowing to put the following points into practise. Who's with me?
Adding a '+' to your daily to-do-list to serves as a lovely little reminder to be more positive. I read this in an article somewhere a few months ago, but I can't remember where! I do this subtle task daily now, and although it only helps when I refer to my list, it's a great little reminder.
As I've mentioned before, creating a list of all you're grateful for at the end of the day serves as a great reminder to be positive about what you have got in life, instead of focussing on what you don't have.
Etsy sell some lovely motivational prints, and they're usually only a couple of pounds each if you opt to print them off at home. I've got a couple up above my desk, mainly to serve as a reminder that I'm tougher than I give myself credit for, and I can tackle tough things in life.
Halting negative thought patterns
For each negative thought you have, replace it with two positive ones. I know it's really hard to get into the habit of doing, but it really does help. Also, something REALLY important to remember is that 'thoughts are not facts'. (See, it must be important, because I put it in bold.)
Sometimes, talking to someone about something that's worrying you can do the world of good. They can often help to remind you that whatever's bothering you isn't as bad as it may feel right now.
What helps you to be positive?
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