Wednesday, 19 October 2016

How to Get Through Writer's Block When You're a Blogger

Blogging inspiration, Blogger's Block, Writer's Block, Writers' Block, Blogging problems, Can't write, Can't find writing inspiration, Beauty Blogs, Lifestyle blogs, Derbyshire, Katie Writes,

Seeing as I'm doing Blogtober this month, I've really had to stride through writer's block and just get on with things. Here's a list of some of the things that've helped!

Challenge yourself

One of the best ways to get through writer's block is to challenge yourself to write as much and as often as you possibly can. (Like Blogtober!) It might not seem like you'll manage it at the time, but you might just surprise yourself! 

Find inspiration

Another top way to get through writer's block is to find something that inspires you to get writing again. It can be anything from music, to photography, to even reading other blogs for inspiration. (Just don't plagiarise, guys.)

Take a break

Sometimes, the best thing you can do is to step away from the thing you're trying to write. Whether that's for a couple of hours, or a couple of months, just leave it for as long as you need to. That way, you can go back to your writing feeling refreshed. 

And if you're doing Blogtober or daily blogging like me? Just step away from the computer for a bit, and make yourself a cup of tea. After a while, go back and try again!

Stop pressuring yourself

I often find that putting myself under pressure to get a blog post written by a certain deadline can bring on writer's block. If you put yourself under too much pressure, your mind can go blank. (Or maybe that's just me?) So, try not to worry too much about getting that particular post finished if it's stressing you out. If the words for a certain post just won't come out, don't worry; just write about whatever you can right now. 

Don't force it! The more pressure you put on yourself, the less you'll enjoy blogging anyway.

I am writing

Half of my degree was a writing course*. One of the most useful writing exercises that I was ever taught is 'I am writing'. Basically, you just start writing short sentences with 'I am writing...' and follow the phrase with whatever's on your mind. If you keep on going, it eventually gets those creative juices flowing! 

For example: 'I am writing a blog post. I am writing something to help other people to get over writer's block. I am writing and listening to the radio. I am writing but I'm going to stop now.' 

What helps you to get over blogger's block?

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*Definitely worth the five figure debt.

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