Happy Sunday! Hope you're having a lovely weekend! Over the next few weeks, I'm planning on doing a little series of posts all about Instagram. So, to kick things off, here are some little tips to share with you today. Soon, there'll also be posts about apps for upping your Instagram game and how I edit my photos too! So keep your eyes peeled! Anyway, let's get on to the tips:
1. Never follow people just to get a follow back.
Only follow accounts that you genuinely want to follow. Nobody likes a fickle follower who's going to unfollow them after a few hours or days, regardless of whether they've followed them back or not. You're wasting everyone's time if you play games like that.
2. Be consistent.
Okay, so this is something I definitely need to work on! But, posting regularly really helps to keep your account growing. So, post however regularly you feel comfortable with. I try and post one photo a day, but if you feel like posting two or three times a day, do it!
3. Develop a theme.
Have you noticed that all the biggest accounts on Instagram tend to have a 'theme'? That's where you edit all of your photos in the same way, so that your feed has a more uniform style. I always edit my photos using the same filter in VSCO, and tend to stick to a similar colour palette. (There's a really useful tool from Makelight to help you to find what colours you use most regularly - Find it here!)
4. Edit.
Most photos that do well on Instagram have been edited in an external app. Like I said, I personally use VSCO, which is definitely my favourite app so far. (Trust me, I've tried a lot of apps!) It's a really popular app with bloggers, but there are plenty of others such as: Afterlight, Snapseed or A Color Story, which are all great too!
5. Enjoy!
Instagram shouldn't be taken too seriously - It's just a social media app, after all, isn't it? So, enjoy getting creative, enjoy sharing your pretty photos, and enjoy finding inspiration in other accounts!
And of course, if you fancy following me on Instagram, you can find me here!
Hope these pointers helped! Do you have any tips?
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