Sunday, 14 May 2017

Things That Have Made Me Happy This Week #9

Happy Week, Gratitude, Blue Skies, Birds, Bloggers, Lifestyle Blogs, lbloggers, lblogs, Derbyshire Blogs, Belper, Derby, Katie Brown, Katie Writes,

In the week where I totally fell off the Every Day May blogging wagon, what's put a smile on my face?

• Eurovision! I love the cheesy, random, and sheer eccentric performances every year, but it did leave me feeling a bit sad at the end, knowing that we'll no longer be a part of Europe soon...

• Learning German (Again.) I studied German at school, but stopped after GCSE level. In ten years, I've lost nearly everything I learned, so I'd love to pick it all up again. I am part German, after all. 

• Gratitude. Once again, I've started writing down a couple of things I've felt grateful for each day. It really makes a big difference to my outlook.

• Leicester. I took a trip to Leicester the other day to get my iMac fixed (properly, this time!) and stopped off for some gorgeous Gelato on the way home. I also took my camera, and I was going to share the snaps in a blog post, but I haven't even set my iMac back up yet! So, that's made blogging/Every Day May/editing photos quite difficult.

What's put a smile on your face this week?

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