Thursday, 8 June 2017

June Goals!

Flowers, Roses, Pretty, Cute, Pink, Yellow, Marble, Beauty Blogs, Lifestyle Blogs, blogs, lblogs, bblogs, Katie Writes, Katie Writes Blog, Derbyshire, Derbyshire Bloggers,

What've I got planned this month?

• Go to the seaside! We've been planning a trip away to the seaside for the past couple of years, but it's always fallen through at the last minute. I'm determined we're going to have a trip to Skegvegas this month! (Classy, eh?)

• Blog more! (I know I always say this.) I've been a terrible blogger lately, haven't I? Every Day May fell through because my computer broke completely, and then I got poorly too, so I've not blogged for nearly a month! 

• Vote! Yep, it's the general election today. I'm sure you've all heard more than enough about it, so I won't bore you with who I'm voting for. It is really important to have your say though, so I'll be going along today to pop my vote in the ballot box.

• Finish that YouTube video. There's been a YouTube video sitting, half-edited, in Final Cut Pro for about two months. (Turns out it's quite hard to edit videos when your computer's broken... Who knew?) I'm determined it'll be finished and uploaded ASAP.

What's on your to-do list this month?
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