Broadcast Journalism, Studying Broadcast Journalism, Nottingham Trent University Broadcast Journalism, PGDip Broadcast Journalism, MA Broadcast Journalism, Journalism at uni, Katie Writes,
TV gallery, Nottingham Trent University, CBJ, Centre for Broadcasting and Journalism, Nottingham, Notts TV, Notts TV Behind The Scenes, Broadcast Journalism,

Lack of blogging guilt is something that's pretty prominent in my life right now. I feel really awful for leaving my blog well alone for the past few months. It's just been a little tricky to juggle everything, you know?

In September, I went back to University to study Postgraduate Broadcast Journalism; and it's been one of the most hectic things I've ever done. In fact, it is the most hectic thing I've ever done. There's been no time to think, sleep properly, look after myself sufficiently, or even have a life.

The past few months have been a blur, to be honest. My entire life has consisted of long commutes, exams, essays, finding stories, ringing up potential interviewees, recording audio/video, editing clips, talking into a sponge or camera, and writing those stories up for our online audience on our course blog. It takes up a lot more time that you'd think. It's not left a lot of time for anything else, not even a social life. (Not looking for sympathy though, I willingly signed up to do this.)

The end's in sight now though. I've got a portfolio to assemble, one more story to put together, and an exam. In less than a month, I'll be done. Once again back out into the wilderness, trying to fight my way into a job in broadcasting. 

I just wanted to write a little post to explain where on earth I've been for the past few months. (Mainly Nottingham.) This blog'll turn two this week, and the second year hasn't really been brimming with new content. I've even neglected social media recently, especially Instagram. So, sorry about that!

When that final exam's over, I'm hoping to find my blogging mojo and swing back into full force! Normal service will be resumed asap! 

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Belper River Gardens, Life Lessons

It's time for me to whine about what life's taught me lately. Enjoy!

Keep on going.

There are days where you question if you've made the right decision, but there are also days where it's crystal clear that you're on the right path. Finally.

Doing a Broadcast Journalism Course Equals...

...Not being able to watch TV or listen to the radio like a normal person ever again. My mind's constantly analysing everything, which isn't really ideal.

Autumn looks pretty...

...But feels cold and disappointingly dark. No-one enjoys it being dark at 4pm. No-one.


Some people are incapable of being happy for you when your life's going well; they're much happier when you're struggling to keep your head above water. It makes them feel better about their own lives, and their inability to make their own dreams come true. Just carry on with your life and let them implode with their pathetic bitterness.

Sleep is hard to come by.

I've always struggled to get enough decent sleep, but there's something about being at Uni a lot and a three-hour daily commute that makes sleep even more elusive. (Somebody pass the industrial strength concealer...)

Getting over stuff.

It's taken a surprising amount of time to get over the events of the summer. (Read here, if you're not sure what I'm referring to.) 

I'm still occasionally jumpy and it's as though the actions of one person have made me feel like home isn't really home right now. However, it's all about not letting them win, because they're totally not worth it. 


Blogging and doing a Masters are quite hard to juggle. You may well have noticed that there've been very few posts over the past couple of months. Sorry, but my MA must come first because it's costing a packet. 
(A very modest £5,510!)

Quarter-Life Crisis

Since when did loads of my friends get into serious relationships, start buying houses, getting married and having babies? I'm a student that still lives at home with her parents... What happened?

Progressing at Different Rates

We tend to progress through life at different rates. It's about finding the one that you're most comfortable with. As I'm pretty sure I've mentioned before, it's that variety that makes life all the more beautiful.

What's life taught you recently?

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Succulent Plant

Oooh, it's been a while, hasn't it? I do have a good excuse for being lax in the blogging department. Honest. Read on to find out more.
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