Saturday 12 September 2015

July & August: In Pictures

London Eye

July was an iffy month. (I'll avoid mentioning that situation in detail again.) So, in general, it was difficult to venture out with my camera.

However, in the midst of all that stress, something good happened too! Of course, I was offered a place at Uni, starting this September. I really, really didn't expect to get onto the course, so it was an overwhelming, but lovely surprise! I'm pretty much still coming to terms with the shock now, weeks later.

London Birthday Trip Sightseeing

At the start of August, it was my birthday! To celebrate, my friend Amy and I travelled to London for sightseeing and shopping. I filmed a YouTube video of the day, and if you fancy, you can watch here!

Etsy Stationery

I did say in my Summer Holiday Goals post that I was going to buy my own bodyweight in stationery. Here are some lovely motivational pencils that I bought recently from OhSquirrel on Etsy. 

(Yeah, my Etsy obsession is still a thing.)

Shabby Chic Sign and Coffee

Life lesson of the summer? Sometimes, taking a risk leads to great doors being opened for you. 

(So deep...)


I also took a few trips to Nottingham, and saw this lovely stiletto flower display! And a shoe on top of a bus stop... (Someone had a good night, clearly.)

Piglet Derbyshire Well Dressing

I visited Belper River Gardens loads (for the video I shot there click here!) and Markeaton Park in Derby too. So, I've a few fantastic opportunities to try my shiny new prime lens out. I'm going to be writing about my trip to Markeaton in more detail soon, so keep your eyes peeled!

(Upon one of my many trips to Belper River Gardens, the well dressings were on display. Above is a cute one of Piglet!)

Markeaton Park Derby Tree
Belper River Gardens Bandstand

To see more photos, follow me on Instagram!

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