I've been a bit of a bad blogger recently, haven't I? Apologies. I've been going through a bit of a bad phase of writer's block. Hopefully it'll subside pretty soon.

As the title of this post suggests, my week has contained an abundance of tech goodies and a few lovely freebies thrown in too!

On Monday, I travelled to Leicester to try and get my dodgy iPhone fixed at the Apple Store. I got there a tad late and they told me there was a two hour wait, even though I'd booked an appointment. If you follow me on Twitter, you'll have seen that I went to John Lewis to redeem a voucher that they'd sent me; for a free hot drink and a massive slice of cake.
I genuinely couldn't finish that cake. It was lovely though. It's definitely worth signing up to the John Lewis loyalty card scheme as they send vouchers like this several times a year. This is the first time that I've actually redeemed it though.

While waiting, I also nipped to the MAC counter in Debenhams. Of course, I ended up buying another new lipstick... Whoops.
When I got back to the Apple Store, after sitting around for half an hour, they finally looked at my iPhone. They couldn't really work out what was wrong with it, so they just gave me a brand new, FREE iPhone! Not bad, eh?

I even did some baking this week. Insomnia struck, so I did what I do best: Not relaxing and doing practical stuff instead. So, I baked some cookies and even some fairy cakes. They weren't bad either, even if I do say so myself.
On Tuesday, Clive the Corsa had his MOT. Now, this was worrying seeing as he's been so poorly recently. But, after a few new tyres, he passed! (I'm still in shock.)
On Friday, I got a Chromebook! I've had a lot of trouble with my laptop since last summer, so I finally gave in and got an Acer Google Chromebook. In fact, I'm writing this blog post on it right now!
I also picked up a pack of jam doughnuts for 35p!! Needless to say, somebody wanted to eat them all. Here he is begging my Mum for a bit. Spoiler: He didn't get any.

Lastly, seeing as I didn't publish a 'This Week' post last week, I didn't get the opportunity to share this lovely photo I took at Carsington Water:

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Water. Sunset. Bliss.

Here's a little YouTube video I quickly put together after visiting Carsington Water earlier this week.

It's so beautiful. I've never been around sunset before, and it was so lovely. As mentioned before, I've been feeling quite lacking in motivation and this has been such a refreshing change of scenery!

Also, this video contains swans. Lots of swans.

(Swans hate me, genuinely abhor me. Enjoy. Because I think the one in the video was about thirty seconds away from diving at me and trying to break my arm.)

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©Katiewrites.co.uk Easter. Gluttony. Laziness.

This has been such an odd week. I've been lacking motivation so much. There's hardly anything worthy of writing about because I've done so little. But, hopefully it'll subside pretty soon...

Anyway, my lovely parents bought me an Easter egg (pictured above), even though I'm in my twenties. I've been really good and not eaten any of it yet! Surely I deserve a medal or something for such high self-discipline?


As well as the Easter egg, my parents also kindly bought me some daffodils to brighten things up a bit!
Nothing says 'spring' like these beautiful, bright flowers. 


As per usual, I've made numerous trips to Starbucks to satisfy the caffeine addiction. That's my week in a nutshell, really. Except, I went shopping on Thursday night. Whilst I was shopping in Derby, I decided to have a nosy at the Cathedral, as I'd heard on the radio that it was going to be turned blue to celebrate Autism Awareness Day. It looks so pretty, doesn't it? I don't think my photo really does it much justice.


The main reason I did some late-night shopping was the avoid the Leaders' Debate! I only caught the last half an hour or so, but that was more than enough. I don't mind following politics and generally find it quite interesting; but I honestly can't deal with the incessant arguing! They're never going to agree and I already know who I'm voting for, so it serves little purpose for me.


Friday night was Chinese night! (From The Golden Gate in Belper.) Pictured is the meal, with a big mug of green tea. I had this furry helper with my food... Because dogs like spring rolls and chips too apparently... Who knew?

I know I had chips last week.  It's alright once a week, for two weeks running, right? I promise I'll be healthier next week...


I spent my Saturday night trying to make a font out of my own handwriting. (Because I know how to party...!) Except, it didn't work. I should've just sat and watched Casualty instead...

Hope you're all having a lovely Easter!

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I feel a bit guilty having neglected my blog for most of this week! Apologies, but you'll understand why if you read on...

I'm becoming an expert procrastinator at the moment. I'm long overdue for submitting my Masters application, but never seem to be happy enough with my personal statement. I'm seriously going to have to bite the bullet and just send it as it is very soon, otherwise I'll miss out. The stress.

Most of this week has consisted of faffing about with said personal statement, stressing out, sleeping very badly, relying on caffeine as a crutch to get me through the day and then napping in the least comfortable places possible. It's all rock n' roll for me... Seeing as I'm still doing the #100HappyDays challenge, I thought I'd show you some of the photos that I've taken over the past few days!

On Wednesday, I ventured out to Derby to do some shopping. I spent ages in Boots ogling the makeup, as per usual, and nipped to Topshop too. And then, obviously, straight to Starbucks to satisfy the caffeine craving. Those of you who read my blog regularly, or follow me on Instagram, will know of my Starbucks addiction. I don't think I can walk past one without venturing in; in search of a caffeine fix.


We got stuck in a horrid traffic jam on the way out of Derby, and I took this photo of a church that's just there. It's amazing that stuff you wouldn't ordinarily pay much attention to jump out at you when you're crawling along at walking pace. Looks quite pretty, doesn't it?


I have been working behind the scenes on my blog, rest assured. I took this photo on Friday when I gained a little furry helper whilst taking photos of the latest Glossybox. (A review'll be up soon!) My dog, Cookie, seems to be creeping into a lot of my blog photos lately. He's obviously really interested.


Saturday included yet more procrastination, in the form of digging some old photos out. Some of my favourites are on the photo below; (Including a friend and I at our graduation ceremony, Carsington Water and Cookie posing yet again.)

And then I spent my Saturday night looking for pretty fonts. Yes, really... I know how to party!


Even writing this blog post was a form of procrastination... Whoops.

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Ladies who lunch

Friends. Food. Cappuccino. 

Earlier this week I met up with Laura-May and Carole, a couple of friends who I went to Uni with. They came to visit me in my hometown and we went for lunch at Fresh Ground, one of my favourite local cafes.

If you're not local to Derbyshire (and let's face it, you're probably not) Belper has been gaining quite a reputation for an array of posh cafes. (Instead of back in the day, when it was aptly named Brown Town - Not because I live there... But because of an abundance of heroin addicts...)

Pictured is a tuna panini with a side of salad and crinkly crisps; and a cappuccino to drink because caffeine is my only addiction. (Not heroin.)

Not only is it fantastic value, it cost me £8.55 for my food and two drinks, but the ladies who work there are lovely too. I also had to leave a fair bit of my meal because the portions are so generous! 

If you're ever in the area, I'd definitely recommend this place for a spot of lunch!

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Note: This post isn't sponsored, just in case that's what you were thinking.

I wanted one of these little mugs; but saw the prices on Etsy and didn't fancy forking out loads of money. So, I took matters into my own hands and made my very own! And, you can too! Here's how:

You will need:
  • A blank white mug,
  • A Sharpie permanent marker,
  • An oven,
  • Acrylic sealing spray.

Got them? Here's how you do it!
  • Write or draw whatever design you so wish on your mug,
  • Pop your mug in your (cool) oven and put it on at 175C,
  • Leave for half an hour or so,
  • Turn the oven off and when it's cool enough, take the mug out,
  • Wait for it to cool completely and then use acrylic sealing spray to seal in your design!

And you're done! (How easy was that?)

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