I am so sorry it's been such a long time since I last blogged, it's just I've been a bit ill (if you hadn't already guessed that from the title)... It was my birthday at the start of the month and I was busy celebrating but... just after that I came down with a horrid cold, which I'm only just managing to shift. Urgh.

So, here are some of my best methods of dealing with a pesky cold:

Yes, I like tea. No, you're not having any.
Like a quintessentially English person, one remedy that I wholeheartedly recommend for dealing with a cold is to drink tea. Of course... Herbal teas. Green teas. I'd avoid anything milky though, because it could increase your catarrh levels.

You need plenty of fluids, which you probably already knew and you definitely need to ensure that you keep on eating too, even if you don't really feel like it.

For a sore throat, guzzle a tea with lemon, ginger or honey in it. It'll soothe your throat and the warmth with do you good too.

Yes, that's a Cath Kidston purse. No, I won't lend you a fiver.
Lots, if you can be bothered in your cold-ridden state. I always feel like my skin dries out completely when I've got a cold; but I also get spotty (thanks, skin...) It pays to nourish your skin if it's crying out for moisture. 

I also, like a bit of a weirdo, smear super-moisturising products over my nose, because that's where it dries out the most. With this cold, I opted for Superdrug's Little Soothing Green Tin (which is basically a cheap version of Vaseline's green tin with Aloe Vera). With previous colds, I've used Moa's The Green Balm, which is still relatively unheard of, I think... 

...I bought if from Feel Unique a few months back and it's one of those products where you're not sure exactly what it does... Until I used it around my nose when I had a cold. That's when it really came into its own. It was wonderful. It's quite a bit pricier than the Little Green Tin*, but it's a really nice product. AND, AND, apparently you can drink it as a tea as well! Two problems solved in one!

*£4.99 as opposed to 99p for the Little Soothing Green Tin.

Yes, that's my bed. No, you may not join me.
Rest, rest, rest. Yes, you have my permission to be as lazy as humanly possible while you've got a cold; because it'll help you recover quicker.

It pays not to push yourself to carry on as normal, which I normally try to do when I'm ill. Just give in a little and give your body a bit of a break. Let your body fight the virus without having to fight you as well.

Yes, I'm a comedy junkie. No, I'm not ashamed.
Find cats funny? Watch them on YouTube. Adore The Inbetweeners? Get the box set out. It'll do you the world of good. When they said that laughter's the best medicine, they weren't joking. (Cringe.)

So, go on... Pop the kettle on, whip your moisturiser out and relax, snifflebums.
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