Am I the only one who's wanted this sought-after eyeliner for ages?

December's edition of Elle is all about feminism, and even if gender equality isn't your cup of tea, this eyeliner makes it worth buying alone. Yeah, you have to pay £4 for the magazine, but you get a mini version of a seriously expensive eyeliner too.

The full-sized version of this product retails for £18.50, so if you're tight like me, but have wanted to try this eyeliner for months, this is your chance!

(As an aside, I've given this eyeliner a go and will be writing a full review ASAP.)

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This month's Glamour magazine comes complete with Eyeko Skinny Mini Eyeliner (and some sex advice, but we'll not dwell on that...).

I would definitely recommend spending £2 on the magazine just to get the eyeliner as it's normally worth £12.

The Skinny Tip Enables a Precise Application

This eyeliner is great for staying smudge-free, which tends to be bane of my life when I wear eyeliner and dark eyeshadows. The finish is a matte one as opposed to a more shimmery look.

I got this eyeliner free in a magazine some months ago and it's definitely my favourite liquid eyeliner. Bold, thick eyeliner doesn't really compliment my eyes that much, so this is perfect for creating a more subtle look - This eyeliner is perfect for the daytime.

I was really tempted to buy this product after my first one (pictured) virtually ran out. I do think that £12 is quite a lot of money to spend on eyeliner, so I opted for Soap and Glory's Supercat Eyeliner instead, which is half the price of the Eyeko product. The tip of the Soap and Glory eyeliner is thicker and therefore tends to leave a much bolder line. So when I saw that this month's Glamour had the Eyeko product as a free gift, I jumped at the chance to get it for a mere fraction of the price.

(If you don't believe me about it being a fantastic eyeliner; Alexa Chung's a fan, so it must be good...?)

As I said, I'd definitely recommend getting the magazine, even if you're not that bothered about the other contents... It's a deal that's not to be missed!

Thanks for reading!

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