Monday 2 February 2015

Accessorize Sale Haul!

I am feeling pretty smug right now.

I managed to get this lot for under £20! (Yes, really!) I adore the Accessorize sales, as there are so many bargains to be had! (Back when this blog was still in its infancy, I wrote about some jewellery bargains that I picked up at the Accessorize summer sale, which you can read here.)

Sales like this are great for bulk-buying presents to give throughout the year, if you're tight like me... 

Flower and Tear-Shaped Rings 
I've mentioned before that I don't normally buy gold coloured jewellery because it doesn't tend to suit my pale skin well, but when faced with such bargains, I can't resist! The turquoise petals on the flower ring also add a nice splash of colour!

Constellation Necklace
You can't really see the detail that well on my photos, but it's got a constellation with 'Virgo' written underneath it. I'm a Leo, but at £2.10 it was too cheap not to buy!

Purse, with Star Sequins and a Tassel on the Zip. 
I bought two of these and was going to give them both away as presents for people, but I'm so tempted to keep one for myself...

Flowery Ring Set 
Four really pretty rings for £4.20! They're gold in colour with pink detailing on the petals. I particularly love the biggest of these rings, which has a beautiful 'branch' effect.

Hand Chain and Rings Set
This set only cost £3. I've never worn a hand chain before, so I thought I'd give it a try. I really like the style of the rings that accompany it too!

Have you picked up any amazing sale bargains?

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