I've decided to take a week off blogging. I'm incredibly busy this week, and at the weekend, I'm doing the Race for Life 10K (Eeeeeeee!) So, if I add blogging into the equation too, it's making me a little stressed out. I've not exactly kept it a secret that I've been feeling a little overwhelmed, blogging-wise, of late.

You might well have noticed that Katie Writes has had a bit of a makeover! After ten months of the pretty green blobs, I thought it was time for a new look.

Today is a very special day! Katie Writes has turned one! 

Today marks one year since I tentatively pressed 'publish' on my first post: a foundation review. 
I'd like to think my blog has come a hell of long way since then, but there's still work to be done. I'd been debating over whether to start a beauty blog for about 6 months before I actually did it. I'm glad I did, as I'm quite proud of what I've achieved. Seriously, this past year has flown. 

Even now, I'm still learning new things about blogging. I still feel like I'm finding my feet after all this time. It's been a huge learning curve, and there's still a long way to go before I feel like I'll know what I'm doing. 

So, really, I'd just like to say a massive thank you to all you wonderful readers! You're lovely and make this blogging malarkey worthwhile!

Here's to another year of me endlessly babbling away on the Internet! 


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Writer's block is a funny thing, isn't it?

Sometimes I feel like I can't stop writing because there's so much in my head that I need to write down immediately. Sometimes I just can't write at all. It's almost debilitating, because you feel like your blog needs a new post publishing now, yet you just can't find the words to say anything.

I'm a perfectionist of the highest order. There, I've said it. Sometimes when one of my blog posts doesn't do truly as well as I expected, or I lose a couple of fickle followers on Bloglovin', it hits me quite hard. I take it personally and blame myself because it just wasn't good enough. I wasn't good enough. 

I always try and second guess what you lovely readers want to read, and I'm not a mind-reader, so I don't always get it right. I very nearly took a break from blogging a few weeks ago because it was all getting a bit too much for me. I can't only write about what's in my head. Doing otherwise doesn't make me happy. Basically: You can only really write about what's true to you, not what you think will please other people.

My publishing schedule has been pretty dire of late, mainly because of the dreaded writer's block. I'm not sure why it's suddenly worse, but stressing about it certainly isn't making it any better. I'm sorry to those of you who enjoy reading Katie Writes*. Please bear with me while I try and find my feet again.

*All three of you.

Blogging is tougher than it looks. It's competitive, and for someone who relentlessly compares herself to others, it's sometimes hard to stand your ground. I'm always striving to be the best I can be, and I hope you can see how far this blog has come in just eleven months. 

But... there's still more to be done. I'm not finished yet.

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Yeah, I burned the heart cake around the edges... Nobody's perfect.

Hello! It's me again. I've been away for an embarrassingly long time, for which, I can only apologise. I do have a proper excuse, mind.

My mum's been a bit poorly, and she's been in hospital, so I've been way too busy worrying and fretting to write any posts. Thankfully she's okay now though, and I can honestly say that it's lovely to have her back at home.

So, I've not really got an update to give you of what I've been up to while I was away from my blog, because it just consisted of being anxious and doing some anxious baking to try and take my mind off worrying...

I've not even kept up with my #100HappyDays pictures, ashamedly. I haven't forgotten though and I've not given up, so if you follow me on Instagram you'll see that I've already re-started doing it! It's just with my Mum being ill, I didn't feel that I'd got a great deal to be happy about... 

With regards to my blog, hopefully there'll be plenty more posts coming your way soon!

So, here's to getting things back on track!

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New to blogging? Or lost your blogging mojo? Read on for plenty of advice!

It's worth noting that I'm definitely not some kind of blogging deity... I'm relatively new to this, but here are some tips that I've picked up so far:

Appreciate Your Followers

Your followers and readers are the ones who ensure you keep blogging. Appreciate them. Without them, there'd be little point in you even bothering. It doesn't matter if you've got three or 3000 followers, be grateful for their support.

Use Twitter

Twitter is a great platform for attracting more readers. A large chunk of my readers now come here directly from Twitter.

I use Hootsuite to schedule tweets to promote my blog when I'm out or busy. That way, I know that I don't have to keep on revisiting Twitter constantly throughout the day.

Don't spam your followers though! Post a maximum of four tweets a day when you publish a new post. Also ensure that those tweets are posted with intervals and that they're scheduled for peak times.

Don't expect miracles

You're not going to become a success overnight. It takes time to hone your writing skills. Keep on grafting and rest assured that someday it'll pay off.

Publish Regularly

Write as often as you can. I've written something nearly every day for the past month, despite not having published every day. Readers will show more interest in you if you can prove that you're taking your blog seriously.

Get Organised

I like lists. There, I've said it. I also like making tables and schedules. Which is probably why I don't have any friends... It's really helpful to devise a loose schedule for every day of the month. Even if you're not planning on publishing every day; it really helps you to know when you can find the time to write drafts, take photographs and edit photos and posts.

Don't Be Hard on Yourself & Learn from Your Mistakes

So your latest post didn't exactly take off like you expected? That's okay. Learn from it and move on. Now you know that not as many people are interested in cheap blusher as you thought. Harness that and bear it in mind when creating new posts.

Don't be a careerist idiot

Nobody likes fickle followers. You know, the ones who follow you, wait for you to follow them back (out of courtesy) and then they unfollow you so it bumps their follower number up? Don't be one of those people, please. You're better than that.

If you're hemorrhaging followers, then that's perhaps something that you need to address, but when it's those 'careerist' bloggers and vloggers that are messing you around, don't be too hard on yourself. It's their agenda to try and get their 'follower' number higher than their 'following' number... That's their main concern and it's incredibly shallow.

♥ If you only want to be 'Internet Famous' you're blogging for all the wrong reasons. ♥

It's more important to network than it is to have a ridiculously high follower number. You're guaranteed to annoy people if you follow-unfollow. It's rude, arrogant and rightly makes people think that you've got a high sense of self-importance.

It's not confined to Twitter and Instagram, but also rife on Bloglovin' too. (This is seriously one of my pet hates and if you do it to me, I will unfollow you back on principle, you numpty).

Put Effort into Photography

What's the first thing that readers see? Your photos. It really pays to ensure that they look impressive. 

If you can afford it, use a DSLR. I recently upgraded my old Pentax K-X to a Canon 600D. Expensive as they are, they allow you to really take control over your photos and the quality that they produce is wonderful. If you're not into photography, at least have a crack at it!

- Try and take your photos in daylight too. I'm guilty of this and it can't be helped at times, but photos taken in artificial light never look as good as ones taken in natural light.

- Focus on the product. Take photos from several angles and decide which ones look best afterwards. If you don't have Photoshop or aren't adept at editing, use a free online editor instead. I use Pic Monkey (www.picmonkey.com). 

- Take photos with the light behind you, not facing into the light! I can't stress how much better this'll make your pics look!

- Lastly, try and alternate the background of your photos to keep them looking fresh!

Pat Yourself on the Back!

At the time of writing this, I've been writing my blog for about three months, but in that time I've picked up a vast number of new skills: Photography skills, blogging skills, photo editing skills, SEO skills, basic HTML coding skills, Social Media skills... The list is endless! Be proud of what you've achieved so far and look forward to learning even more skills in the future!

A few days ago I was nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely Rachel. Check out her blog here. And yesterday, I was nominated again by Mariam too! And you can check out her blog here! Thank you to both of you for nominating me!

Here are the rules!
  • You thank the person who nominated you by linking to their blog,
  • Post 11 facts about yourself,
  • Answer the 11 questions the nominator gave to you,
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers,
  • Create 11 questions for your nominees,
  • Let your nominees know by getting in touch with them.
11 Facts About Me:
1.) My birthday is in August. 
(I've got the same birthday as Terry Wogan, which, of course, makes me exceptionally cool...)
2.) I studied at the University of Derby.
3.) I'm a quarter German.
4.) I had braces from the ages of 18 to 22! (Yes, really...)
5.) I passed my driving test with one minor... (It was the second attempt though...)
6.) My favourite ever comedy is Green Wing, which few people have heard of.
7.) My dog's called Cookie.
8.) I have a car called Clive the Corsa...
9.) I enjoy writing lists far too much.
10.) I'm only 5'4", so most people tower above me.
11.) And finally... I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with social networking...

Seeing as Rachel nominated me first, I'm going to answer the questions that she gave me: 

1) What is your favourite perfume? 
I've been using Lacoste Joy of Pink recently, which I love. I've also been trying out Ghost Eclipse which smells gorgeous too and might well be a new fave!

2) What is the next beauty product you intend to buy/would love to try?
I would love to try Chanel Lumiere Foundation, as I've heard so many people raving about it! It's just a shame it's so expensive! (I also want to try Benefit's new eyeliner...) The list is endless!

3) What is your favourite trait about yourself?
Kindness...? Although it sounds boring, I'd like to think that kindness goes a long way.

4) Who is your role model?
Probably my Mum/Nana/Grandma, as trite as it sounds. 
(Kind ladies, but not to be messed with...)

5) Are you a morning or a night person?
Definitely a night person. I don't function in the mornings AT ALL without copious amounts of caffeine. 

6) What is your most repurchased beauty/haircare product?
That's a really tough question! I think it'd probably be Max Factor's False Lash Effect Mascara, which is the best mascara I've ever encountered!

7) What is your favourite quote?
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.” - Albert Einstein.

8) What has made you smile today?
Finally getting my Internet connection back after days of it being down/ridiculously slow! And watching one of my oldest friends doing the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge... (She's also nominated me - Thanks Laura!)

9) What is your favourite makeup brand?
I can't decide! Probably Rimmel? Judging by how many Rimmel products I've reviewed over the past couple of months... I love Max Factor too and if I'm feeling flush: Mac.

10) What skill would you like to learn?
I would love to be musical and play an array of instruments, but unfortunately I am literally terrible at playing any instrument and singing too!

11) What is one thing you are proud of?
I'm really proud of making it through Uni and graduating with a 2:1 degree! 

I nominate:

The 11 questions for my nominees are:

1.) What's your favourite skincare product?
2.) Who's your favourite author?
3.) If you were stuck on a desert island and could only take one item, what would it be?
4.) What made you want to start blogging in the first place?
5.) What five things make you feel happy?
6.) What's your favourite TV show?
7.) What is your favourite shop?
8.) If you had an endless budget, what would you buy?
9.) What's the best meal you've ever had?
10.) Shower or bath?
11.) And finally... What's the tale behind your blog's title?

Thanks for reading!
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