Sunday 19 March 2017

March Goals!

March Goals, Beauty and Lifestyle Blogs, Derbyshire Bloggers, Katie Writes, Daffodils, Derby Bloggers,

Aaaannddd, I'm back! It might be more than halfway through the month, but I thought I'd share my March goals with you regardless!

Blog more! 

Katie Writes (and The Weekend Edition) all but died off during February. Sorry about that! I've totally fallen off the blogging wagon of late, haven't I? Being busy, feeling under the weather, AND lack of inspiration have all meant that this blog has suffered as a result. I'm definitely hoping to turn that around, and pronto! (Let's face it, I've got A LOT of catching up to do!)

Continue making more videos. 

Throughout February, I really enjoyed making a few new YouTube videos - From my January video to Sunday, and even a fifth addition to the Weekly Snippets series. There are a few more videos in the pipeline too, but it's just finding the time to edit them! So, March is the month for getting more videos out there!

Find ways to be more productive, especially blogging-wise. 

This year I started a bullet journal, but I haven't even had time to draw out the March section yet... Pretty bad, isn't it? I really thought that having a bullet journal would help me to be more productive, but I'm rapidly becoming a queen of procrastination and disorganisation. So, if anyone's got any productivity tips, please send them my way!

Sleep more. 

February has left me exhausted! I've been stumbling through most days lately with around 4 or 5 hours worth of Zzzs under my belt. Sometimes less. So, I'm going to try and make a conscious effort, and to put more of an emphasis, on relaxing and sleeping. I've bought a book on it and everything. (If that's not dedication, I don't know what is.)

Be more sensible with money.

I'll be the first to admit that I'm not very good with money. (Never let me go shopping unattended. The damage to my debit card will be nothing short of horrific.) Last month, I started to get myself a little bit more organised financially, and this month I've started actually saving money! After deciding to save up for a pro-level lens for my camera, I'm quite proud to have reached around £50 already!

What's on your to-do list this month?

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